
Co-Sponsored by:


Zhejiang University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tsinghua University



     The 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'19), which is supported by IEEE, is focusing on emerging service science in the 21th century. The main purpose of ICSSSM is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, practitioners and government officials involved in general areas of service systems and service management to disseminate their latest research results, as well as to exchange views on the future research directions.

     The 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management ICSSSM'19 will be held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ), from July 13 to 15, 2019. The conference is jointly hosted by CUHKSZ, Tsinghua University, and University of Electronics Science and Technology of China (UESTC). A post-conference workshop will also be organized at UESTC, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, during July 16-18, 2019. We look forward to your participation!

Important Dates

March 31, 2019:Extended abstracts or full papers (maximum 6 pages) submission

May 15, 2019:Final camera-ready papers submission deadline

April 20, 2019:Notification of paper acceptance or rejection

July 13-15, 2019:Conference date





Call for Invited Sessions and Tracks

The goal of invited sessions (4-5 papers for each session) and invited tracks (at least two sessions) is to provide focused discussions on new topics or innovative applications. Each prospective session/track organizer is invited to submit a proposal, including the title of the session/track, and a list of authors with extended abstracts before March 31, 2019.  The final version of full papers must be submitted before May 15, 2019.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, those listed in the following tracks:

1.Theory and Principle of Service Sciences

Service concepts and strategies, quality assurance, performance metrics

2.Service System Design, Operations, and Management

Service system and network design, service process engineering/reengineering, service planning and scheduling, service management based on emergency, modeling and analysis of service systems.

3.Supply Chain Management for Service

Supply chain planning, value delivery, supply chain management based on emergency, supply chain cluster, transportation management systems, return logistics, supplier relationship management, logistics visibility and control, procurement.

4.Service Marketing and Financial Management

Demand forecasting, customer relationship management, public relations, customer behavior, satisfaction, and retention, service cost evaluation and analysis, profitability of service investment, risk management, revenue management.

5.Specific Industrial Service Management

Information service, tourism and hotel management, public service, hospital, finance and insurance service, sports service, exhibitions.

6.Service Information Technology and Decision Making

Integrated information management systems, real-time identification and tracking technology, agent theory and technology, software agent based systems, intelligent decision support systems, artificial intelligence, RFID technology and applications, data warehousing and data mining, systems integration.

7.Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies

Education, public service, transportation, telecommunication, maintenance, finance/ insurance/real estate, distribution/retail, tourism, after-sales service, service for social, economic, and cultural events (e.g., exhibitions, sports, festivals).

8.Management of healthcare services

Operation management of healthcare systems, new healthcare service organizations and their operation, healthcare information technology, healthcare resource planning, healthcare data analytics, human resource in healthcare systems.

9.Electronic Business New Models and Strategies

Internet finance, cloud computing and big data for e-business/e-service, open innovations for e- business/e-service, online to offline marketing, information sharing in e-business/e-service environment, distribution channels and product variety of e-business/e-service, e-logistics management.

10.Data Analytics and Service Management

Big data computing and applications, data analytics, data mining, predictive analytics, knowledge discovery, classification, risk detection for service management.

Paper Submission

1. All submissions should be written in English. The length of any full paper should be no more than 6 pages.

2. Please prepare your paper according to the IEEE format. Click to download the paper template.

3. Please submit your electronic version paper in PDF formats on the conference website.

Best Paper Award

Best (Student) Paper Award will be selected to recognize excellence papers presented in the conference. Up to three awards in each track may be granted. In addition to a certificate, the best papers will be recommended for publication in the Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, orJournal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO)(SCI Journals)


The conference proceedings will be published in CD-ROM with ISBN. From 2005 to 2018 the proceedings of ICSSSM have been indexed by EI Compendex. Some accepted papers will be selected for extension and review again for publication in Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering , or Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO) (indexed by SCI).


Papers will be peer-reviewed. To be eligible for publication in the conference proceedings, an accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.



Website :http://www.icsssm.org.cn:8088/index/conference/contacts.html?symbol=ICSSSM-2019